Packing. Well, we are now two weeks away from having to move out of our house. As you can imagine, it’s getting a lot more serious now as we get closer to the closing date. The packing up of our stuff has begun and we have started moving it to a storage unit since we have about a week between moving out of the old house and moving into the new one. My wife has done most of the packing the past week and I couldn’t be more grateful to her for doing it on her own while I’m at work.
You never really understand how much stuff you have, that you never use, until you start packing up your house. Along with packing the stuff we are taking with us, we have made some trips to the landfill to get rid of the stuff that we’ve held onto all these years for no reason. Neither one us are pack rats that hold on to thing for years, so it was kind of surprising that we actually had so much “junk”. We’ve had to be selective of what we were going to bring and what we were going to get rid off.
When our time comes to leave this earth, either through death or the return of our Lord and Savior, there will be nothing physical that we will be taking with us to Heaven. I’ve heard it said many times, “you never see a U-haul following behind a hearse”. All that we own will be left to someone else to sort out when we are gone. However, there will be some things that we can bring to Heaven with us: other believers that came to Christ because of our witness.
“For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy.” - 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20. When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonian believers, he called them his “crown” that he would be able to boast about when the Lord came back. He could boast because they would be in Heaven with him because of his sharing the Gospel with them and their acceptance of Christ. Paul wasn’t worried about possessions he would take with him to Heaven, he was worried about souls that would be in Heaven because of his sharing the Gospel.
When you stand before Christ to give an account of your life, who will step forward on that day and say, “I am here because you shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with me”? The most important thing we can pack for our trip to Heaven is the souls of others - friends and family. Have you started packing yet for your move?
Have a great day and God bless.
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