Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Good News

Good news. Sometimes in the midst of getting bad news over and over again, God breaks into your world and brings you a bit of good news. Even things that we feel have no way of turning out for the good, God answers prayers and shows up right on time and with just what you need. My wife and I have experienced this very thing just this week. When we felt everything was against us, God showed that He was for us. “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” - Romans 8:31.

God shows up throughout the Bible in times of despair and hopelessness to bring good news. In the most evil of days, the days of Noah, when all the earth was doing what it felt was right in their own eyes, God showed up. He chose a man named Noah to bring the good news of His salvation. Noah preached that judgement was coming, that repentance was need and the only salvation from the coming judgement was an ark. In the end, only eight people accepted that good news and the rest perished in the flood.

Another time came when man was once again far from God, even though they thought they were as close as they could ever be. During that time, God sent the Good News of His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. And just as Noah preached, so too did John the Baptist and Christ Himself; repentance was needed and judgement was coming. The only way to escape the coming judgement was to accept the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The Good News has come and the promised judgement is coming too. Have you heard the Good News?  Christ came into the world to save sinners and by believing in His death, burial and resurrection you can be saved from that coming judgement. Have you accepted Christ as you Savior?  He wants you to accept His Good News.

Have a great day and God bless.

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