Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Lost. Have you ever been somewhere that you are somewhat familiar with but not totally comfortable driving in and got lost? Happened to me today. I’m very comfortable driving from the airport to the hotel and to the plant, but have me drive somewhere that I haven’t been and I’m not feeling it. I got a bit lost this evening return from a restaurant to the hotel. I missed a turn and found myself on a back road I wasn’t familiar with. I kept going straight until I came to a landmark I knew near the hotel and then I was back on track.

We can get lost in our spiritual walk sometimes as well. We go through the normal routine that we are familiar with sometimes just out of habit. We say our prayers the same time every day, we may read our Bibles each day, we go to church on a normal routine but then something happens we become lost. Not lost in a sense that we aren’t saved, but lost in a sense that we can’t hear or sense God in our lives.

We may end up wandering in that state for a while just staying straight on the road we are traveling until we find something in our lives that is familiar and we can get back on track. We may find ourselves so lost spiritually that we may need to stop and ask for directions from someone who is on the right path. It’s okay to feel that way sometimes, I think we all go through it. The important thing is that we realize it as soon as possible and search to get back to God. “I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant, for I do not forget your commandments.” - Psalm 119:176.

Maybe you are really lost and don’t know if God is even in your life. God sent His Son to save those that are lost. “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." - Luke 19:10. He is waiting for you to put your trust and faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you are lost, seek Him and He will find you.

Have a great day and God bless.

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