Sunday, March 24, 2019

The big “G”

Big “G” or little “g”?  Which do you worship?  Who has the biggest part of your life, the God of the universe or the gods of this world?  It’s a tough question and if we are really honest about it, the little “g” gods have way too much of our lives. The little “g” gods are all those things that we put a greater priority on than big “G” God. When we do that, the Bible calls that idolatry. We are all guilty to some extent.

The idea of the big “G” and little “g” came from reading the story of Paul in Athens in Acts 17. As he makes his way up to Mars Hill to give his Gospel message to the intelligent men of Athens, he passes through all these altars to the gods of Greece. Noticing there was one altar to the “unknown god”, Paul uses this as his point of entry into their world.

He talks about how religious they must be to have so many gods. He points out that this “unknown god” that they have made an altar to is the Lord God. Paul shares the Gospel message with them through the resurrection of Jesus Christ and that all men will stand before their “unknown god” and be judged. Some of the men mocked him, others wanted to hear more and some even believed and joined Paul by accepting Christ.

People in this world today are searching, even if they won’t admit it. They are looking for truth, they are looking for peace and they are looking for a way. We have the answer!  We know the One who is the way, who is the truth, and who is the life - Jesus Christ.

Which one is more important to us, the little “g” gods that take us away from our worship of God, or the big “G” God that we will one day stand and give an account of our lives to?

Have a great day and God bless.

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