Sunday, March 17, 2019

God Only Knows

God only knows. I have heard it said that character is who you are in the dark, who you are when nobody is around. Those moments when we are all by ourselves and nobody would know what decisions we made: right or wrong. We would get away with it and nobody would ever know. But God knows.

I put that in a negative connotation that the decision we make are always going to be bad ones when nobody is around to see them. I’m sure there are many times we make the right decision even when there is no one around to see them because we are people of good character. The Bible tells us to do our good deeds in a manner that one hand doesn’t know what the other one is doing (Matthew 6:3).

All of us go through things that the rest of the world has no idea that we are going through, not even those closest to us. Things that go on in our thoughts and internal conversations that we keep inside and don’t share with anyone else. God knows every one of those conversations. He is part of that thought process because He is always listening even when we don’t speak. God always knows.

He cares about everything we are going through. Every struggle that we face externally and every struggle that we face internally. God knows everything about us. All the things that we hide from the world by the masks we wear when we are in public, God knows. All the times we may cry all alone when no one is around, He knows about those moments. He is right there by your side.

The Bible puts our worth to God this way: “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” - Luke 12:6-7. We are not forgotten by God and we have great worth to Him.

Maybe you are going through something and no one else even knows about it because you have kept it inside. Maybe you are facing some internal struggle about a major decision and feel like you are all alone in this. God knows all about it and you are not alone. He cares for you and is waiting on you to come to Him with your fears. God only knows.

Have a great day and God bless.

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