Sunday, March 3, 2019


Grateful. Today I had the awesome opportunity to fill in for my preacher at our church. I am grateful that he trusts me enough to take on such an important responsibility and I don’t take it lightly. So, because of my gratefulness, I preached on the topic of being grateful. I spoke about the story found in Luke 17 about the one grateful leper.

There were ten of them suffering from the same disease that was really a death sentence for those who had it. These ten men cried out to Christ as he passed through the area of Samaria asking the Master to have mercy on them. As Jesus usually did, He showed them mercy and sent them to see the priest so that the priest could declare them clean even though the were yet to be healed.

Following His direction, the lepers went off in the direction of the priest and along the way they were healed. I would assume all ten of them were grateful that the disease was gone, but only one turned that feeling of gratefulness into worship. The one turns back and falls at the feet of Jesus worshipping Him for the mercy He had shown.

Do we do that enough?  Do we actually stop and think of the death sentence that awaited us until Jesus had mercy on us?  That the Good News of the saving power of Jesus Christ was even presented to us?  Do we turn that grateful feeling into a time of worship at the feet of the Savior?

Or do we continue on like the other nine lepers who were healed did?  Do we take our salvation for granted like it was something that we deserved or was owed to us?  God forbid we ever get to that point!  We should have grateful hearts daily and return to the feet of Jesus to worship Him daily. His mercy and grace is deserving of our gratefulness and worship.

Have a great day and God bless.

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