Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Smarts. All the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz wanted was a brain. He just wanted to be smart. He wanted to make informed decisions. It wasn’t too much to ask for. I’m sure there have been many times when people have looked at me and the decisions I have made in my life and said, “man, if that guy only had a brain!”  I’ve felt like the scarecrow at times in my life.

I’ve heard the argument many times that Christians believe in the “fairytale” of Jesus Christ. That we use our belief in Him as a crutch to get through the difficulties of life. That we have some sort of “blind faith” in a make believe religious person. I thought that way myself when I “didn’t have a brain”. But belief in Jesus Christ is not a blind faith, actually it should be the exact opposite. It should be a “know so” faith.

I got on a plane last week and went to Cincinnati. I have no degree in aerospace engineering or anything like that, but I got on the plane with the faith that it was going to get off the ground, fly to Cincinnati and land safely when we got there. It wasn’t “blind faith” that I got on the airplane. I didn’t believe in a fairytale pilot. It was based upon experience and knowledge. I know thousands of planes a day, for months and years leave airports everyday and land safely at their destination. I don’t know everything about how that works but I trust those that do and design and fly the airplanes.

It’s the same thing with our faith in Christ. We don’t know all the answers to all the things about God and Jesus Christ, but as we gain knowledge and we see Him working in the lives of others, we begin to grow our faith. The Bible instructs us to use the minds that God has given us to search the Scriptures, to seek after truth and to know more about Him. There is nothing “blind” about it. God gave us a brain so that we can know him with all our hearts, all of our souls and all of our MINDS!

Don’t ever let someone treat your faith in Christ as a mindless fairytale. Let them know that you studied the Word, you’ve experienced His truth in your life and you know He is who He says He is. You are no scarecrow!

Have a great day and God bless.

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