Monday, March 18, 2019


Mulligan. That unofficial “do over” you get when you are playing golf with a bunch of your buddies. You know, when you hit the ball five feet off the tee on the first hole or you hit it directly in the pond and you have to grab another ball out of the bag and hit it again. You only get a certain amount of mulligans until your friends just won’t let you pull that anymore.

Ever had a mulligan in life?  One of those times you did something you could never imagine yourself doing and you wish you could just go back in time and take a “do over”?  I’ve had my share of mulligans in life both before I became a Christian and even after I became one. I’ve wished many times I could go back in time and change some of the things I did, but we can’t. There are no real mulligans in life. We have to face our mistakes and move forward.

It reminds me of the story of the Apostle Peter. After boldly stating he would never foresake the Lord by denying he knew Him, a few hours later he did just that, just as Christ told him he would. And in the moment Christ needed His followers to be by His side, Peter was hiding in the shadows watching all the events of the evening unfold. I’m sure at that very moment Peter wished he could take a mulligan.

Days later he had the opportunity to face Christ once again after the Resurrection and make things right. Even though he couldn’t go back to that fateful night, he could go forward from where he was. Christ asked him three times if he loved Him and all three times Peter responded that he did. The mulligan that Peter could not take on his own was granted to him by Christ. Christ gave him the mulligan he so deeply desired.

The same thing happens to us in our lives, Christ offers us the mulligan we wish we could use. By His death on the Cross, our sins are forgiven and are removed from God’s memory as far as the east is from the west. What I have been calling a mulligan, the Bible calls grace. The free gift that we do not deserve to receive. Grace, grace, God’s grace. Grace that is greater than all our sins.

Have a great day and God bless.

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