Saturday, March 23, 2019

It Should’ve Been Me

It should’ve been me!  Have you ever used that line when you didn’t get something you deserved?  Maybe it was that promotion at work that someone else got, who doesn’t work nearly as hard as you do, but seems to be best buddies with the boss. Maybe it was that girl or that guy that you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with, but they chose someone else instead of you. We’ve probably all had situations in our past that we look back on and say, “it should’ve been me”.

My moment was just after college when I had a baseball tryout with a minor league team near my home in New York. There were three of us trying out that day and I felt I performed better than the other two guys in almost all the drills they put us through. But in the end they kept the other two guys and sent me home with my tail between my legs. I left that day with the strong feeling that it should’ve been me and not them. But God had different plans for my life than baseball. A few months later I got the call to move to North Carolina and the rest is history.

There may even be some of you that had a horrible event happen in your life that may have taken the life of another person but by God’s grace you survived. Maybe it was an accident or maybe something else happened but you look back at that event and say “it should’ve been me”!  That is a really hard thing for some people to get over when they survive something that someone else doesn’t, and they question God as to why He let them survive. If that happened to you, God allowed you to live because it wasn’t your time and He has something still left for you to do.

The only thing in life that we can really say that “it should’ve been me” is the punishment for our sins. It should’ve been me hanging on the cross for my own sins and not my Savior. It should’ve been me wearing that crown of thorns for the things I did. It should’ve been me beaten and spit upon for the life that I lived and not Jesus Christ. But He loved me so much that He was willing to take my place, to take my punishment and to pay my penalty. He died on that Cross of Calvary so that I could be forgiven of my sins. He died for me!

He died for you too!  Have you accepted His free gift of salvation?  Have you accepted that it should’ve been you on that cross instead of Him?  Put your faith and trust in Him and He will save you from the punishment of your sins. All He wants is for you to believe that He is who the Bible says He is.

Have a great day and God bless.

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