Monday, March 25, 2019

My Father’s Business

Sanford and Son. I used to love that show back in the 70’s. Yes, I’m old enough to remember watching that show. Old man Fred Sanford ran a junkyard and his son, Lamont, worked along with him. As Fred tried to wheel and deal on all those money making scams that never seemed to work out in his favor, Lamont was running the business they way it should have been. Lamont was about his father’s business.

In our sermon at church yesterday, Pastor Phillip spoke about Jesus being about His Father’s business. The story is found in Luke chapter 2. Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover and when the Feast was over, headed back home to Nazareth. After a full day’s journey, they realized their twelve year old son, Jesus, was not with them. They had to go back to Jerusalem to find him. In today’s society they would be reported to child welfare services for losing their child!

But when they get to Jerusalem, they find Him , three days later, teaching in the Temple. He is sitting among the teachers of the Temple listening and asking questions. Not only that, He was answering their questions as well to their amazement. Imagine the awe of these learned men as they sat and listened to the knowledge of this twelve year old and His insight to the Word of God. But He was the Word of God in the flesh!  They just didn’t know it yet.

When His parents find Him, they ask Him what He is doing and if He understood how much that He has scared them by not being with them. Jesus gave no apology for what He had done, He just responded to them, “Why were you looking for me?  Don’t you know that I have to be about my Father’s business?”  However, He submitted Himself to the authority of His parents and returned with them to Nazareth.

Let me ask you, are you about your Father’s business?  Are you about sharing the saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  Are you about winning souls to God for all of eternity?  That is the business of the Father and that is what He has entrusted you to while you are still here on earth. I want to be found being about my Father’s business when He returns for me, how about you?

Have a great day and God bless.

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