Saturday, March 30, 2019


Spring. Green. Allergies. It that time of the year and the weather has been beautiful the last couple of days. Everything is green. The trees are budding and the Bradford Pear trees are all white and pink and in bloom. The sound of lawnmowers have been rumbling the past couple of weekends and so it begins. Everything that was once dead has sprung back to life and the rebirth has begun.

It is so fitting that this is the time of year that we celebrate Easter and the resurrection of our Savior. What the world thought was dead and over, arose again in final victory. We celebrate the Risen Savior. Just like spring and the rebirth of all the flowers and trees, so too was the rebirth of Jesus Christ.

Just like he had told His disciples, He arose from the grave and appeared to them and hundreds more. The grave couldn’t hold Him. The power of Satan had been broken. Every Sunday when we go to church, we are celebrating the resurrection of our Savior on the first day of the week.

Even though spring brings about things that we may dislike, such as allergies and mowing, the events of spring remind us of the resurrection of our Savior. Enjoy the rebirth of the creation of God and remember our Savior.

Have a great day and God bless.

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