Saturday, February 9, 2019

Trust in Me

“Trust in me”. That’s from one of my favorite Disney movies, The Jungle Book. I loved the original animated movie and I love the new version that came out a couple years ago with the real life Mowgli. I even bought the soundtrack because the songs are awesome. The new version was on last night, so of course I watched it because the kids were in the room. They didn’t watch any of it but I watched the whole thing for them.

I never realized how much the snake, Kaa, was so much like Satan. It was the voice of a woman in the new movie but was a man in the original. Her voice was so calm and so relaxing it almost lulled you into a trance. Satan works the same way, slowly lulling you to relax your guard and do something against God’s Word.

Kaa uses that famous line, “you can trust me”, while all the while knowing that her plan was to slowly strangle Mowgli to death. Satan tries to do the same thing to us, slowly luring us into sin. First, it’s just something small and then the sins continue to progress into something worse and worse. The whole time lying to us that we can “trust him”.

It’s nothing new, it all started in the Garden of Eden when he lied to Eve over something that seemed so insignificant. “Did God really say.....?”  That’s his way into our hearts, asking us if what we believe is really what God said. He tried it on Christ too, but all three times Jesus answered him with the exact words of God!  We should know God’s Word so well that when the temptation comes, we can say, “thus says the Word of God”.

Have a great day and God bless.

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