Monday, February 25, 2019


Clingers. Did you ever have children that are or were “clingers”?  Maybe they clung to your leg when you were out in public and someone tried to talk to them but they were so shy they just grabbed ahold of one of your legs and hid their face. My little guy doesn’t cling onto my leg because he’s shy, he clings on to my leg because he thinks it’s funny when I walk around and he holds on for dear life.

There are adults that are clingers too. They are extremely needy and though they may not physically cling to you (that would be embarrassing for both parties), they do cling to you emotionally. They seem to be in constant need of someone in their lives emotionally. They tend to drain the person that they cling to.

God does not have this problem, in fact, He prefers that we seek Him to cling to and not the things of this world. At the end of Joshua’s life he instructed Israel to continue to cling to God: “but you shall cling to the LORD your God just as you have done to this day.” - Joshua 23:8.

The psalmist also spoke of clinging to the Lord: “My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.” - Psalm 63:8. “I cling to your testimonies, O LORD; let me not be put to shame!” - Psalm 119:31.

What are you clinging to - other people and the things of this world, or are you clinging to God and His promises?  He desperately wants you to cling to Him. The things of this world, people included, will pass away, but the promises of God never will. Choose to cling to Him and you will never be disappointed.

Have a great day and God bless.

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