Tuesday, February 5, 2019

An Anchor for the Soul

Who’s your anchor?  As Christians, our eternal, heavenly anchor is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have a hope in Him that is a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul as the writer of Hebrews tells us. But who do we have as our earthly, spiritual anchors?  Notice that I said anchors and not just a single anchor.

It is important that we have earthly mentors in our lives that guide us spiritually and act as anchors to keep us safe in times of storms. Most of the time our anchors are our spouses, or our parents, or maybe even our grandparents or pastors. But there will come a time in our lives that one of them will no longer be there to guide us through life. That is why it is important to have more than one and it’s even similarly important that they are from different generations.

One example in the Bible showing this need is the relationship between Abram and Lot. Abram acted as Lot’s father figure and was the one that Lot spent almost all of his early life with. Abram was Lot’s only anchor. But when things got too big for them to stay together, Lot left and went to the big cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. He lost his anchor in Abram and started hanging around the wrong crowd that offered him no spiritual guidance. Lot didn’t finish as well as he had started because he lost his anchor in Abram.

Another example is the story of the child king of Judah named Joash in 2 Kings. He was hidden away in the temple for six years and grew up only knowing the high priest Jehoiada. Jehoiada was Joash’s only anchor. When Joash began to reign at the age of seven, he followed the spiritual advice of Jehoiada and thrived as the king of Judah. But when Jehoiada died at age 130, Joash surrounded himself with the wrong people and had lost his anchor. Just like Lot, Joash started strong but did not finish well.

Who are your anchors?  What would happen if you lost one of them?  Would you have other anchors to keep you close the the Savior when the storms of life come your way?  Make it a point to have multiple anchors in your life over multiple generations.

Have a great day and God bless.

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