Monday, February 18, 2019

Giving When You Can’t Be Repaid

I saw this story on Facebook and it’s just too good not to share. I don’t know what this guy’s religious beliefs are, but he was such a shining example of being God’s hands and feet. What he did was put the words of the story in Luke 14 into action and I’m not even sure he knew it.

This is what Luke 14:13-14 - “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just."

So here is the story I’m referring to. On Super Bowl Sunday of this year, a man in New York City reserved a room at a rooftop bar in downtown Manhattan. He went and bought seven or eight New England Patriots t-shirts and walked around the streets of the city inviting homeless men to a party.

He asked them if they were cold and if they were hungry and then invited them to join him in watching the Super Bowl at the place he reserved a room. Of course, the homeless men were a bit suspicious of the invitation, especially with the cameras rolling. But they soon accepted the invite and made their way to the party.

For about four hours, these homeless men were able to get out from the cold, gain a new t-shirt and fill there bellies with great food. All of this at no cost to them (they had no way of paying anyway). They were in that bar with so many people that had never been in their situation, yet no one seemed to even notice they were there.

I was just so impressed by the way the guy went out of his way to give to these men a short period of time that they could never ever repay him for. The end of the video showed these homeless men in tears for what that guy had done for them out of sheer grace. They did nothing to deserve being invited and had no way to pay for the things they were given . Much like God’s grace toward us through Jesus Christ.

This man was an example of Luke’s story above, but he was also an example of Christ (even if he didn’t know it). How are we being an example of Christ in showing grace to those that can do nothing for us in return?

Have a great day and God bless.

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