Thursday, February 21, 2019

Fear is a liar (according to singer Zach Williams). don’t own me (according to singer Francesca Battistelli).  There a lot of things to be afraid of if you watch the news anymore. We are all afraid of something. Some people have extreme phobias that keep them almost frozen in their tracks.  How do we get past our fears?

The Bible gives us many Scriptural truths about fear. But, as Christians, how do we take those truths and apply them to our lives?  It’s easy to read them in our Bibles and say, “that is so true” and then never take what we read and put it into action. It takes real faith to transfer our fears to God and let Him control what happens.

I have always thought that both fear and worry were wasted emotions. There is nothing we can do about the things we worry about or the things we fear might happen, it’s usually not in our control anyway. Most of the things we fear and worry about never work out as bad as we fear or even come to fruition.

The Bible uses the phrase “fear not” 365 times; one use for every day of the year. What if each day we woke up with the mindset that on that particular day, we are not going to fear anything because God told us specifically for that day not to fear?

Here are some good verses about not fearing anything and trusting in God: “The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” - Psalm 118:6. “Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” -Matthew 10:31. “"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” - Luke 12:32.

I know it’s hard not to fear things in life: getting sick, losing loved ones, having something happen to our children; but our faith in God must be greater than our fear of life. Hand your fears over to God and let Him work things out, He wants what’s best for you. Strengthen your faith in God by overcoming your fears, because in the end, fear is a liar and fear does not own you.

Have a great day and God bless.

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