Saturday, February 23, 2019

Dry Seasons

Dry. It’s not really a word that can be used for our neck of the woods right now. I’ve never seen it rain so much in North Carolina for the twenty-three years I’ve been down here. It seems like it rains five or six days out of the week, every week!  And it’s been like this for about six months or so now. When will it be dry again?

I don’t know when it will be dry again but when it does dry out we’ll probably complain that we need rain, that’s just how we are: complainers. We go through the same things in our spiritual lives as well. We have seasons of great blessings and then we have seasons of feeling like those blessings have dried up. Those dry seasons are hard.

When we go through those dry seasons in our spiritual lives, it’s easy sometimes to question where God is and why He is letting us go through this.  We wonder if we have done something wrong or if He is mad at us or even if He’s abandoned us. He hasn’t left us or abandoned us, He’s just silent for some reason. His Word says that He will never leave us or forsake us and we have to trust in what He’s doing during that time.

I think of King David and so many of the Psalms that he wrote during his life when he felt that God had left him. That time period when he was anointed king even though Saul was still on the throne and was trying to take David’s life. David spent most of that time in hiding or on the run and he questioned where God was and why He was letting this happen.

I think of the story of Job. I think of Habakkuk and his question to God: “O LORD, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? Or cry to you "Violence!" and you will not save?” There are so many Biblical examples of people feeling like God was distant and not listening to them. You shouldn’t feel like you are the only on that has gone through this.

Keep calling out to God during your dry season. Keep praying that He will open your eyes to why you may be going through this. Keep the faith that He will never leave you or forsake you. The blessings of rain are coming and your dry season will soon be over.

Have a great day and God bless.

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