Sunday, February 17, 2019

God’s Will - Part 7

“He who hesitates has lost!” My dad used to always say that to me when I was playing sports. What he meant was “do something” and not to just wait. That thought goes right along with our seventh and final message about God’s Will for the Christian life.

The first five posts were about what the Bible says about general things that are God’s Will for every Christian’s life. Yesterday we started looking at one of two ways we can find the specific Will of God for our individual lives. Yesterday, the post told us we are to renew our minds and stop acting like the world. We need to be in God’s Word so that He can speak to us about what He wants us to do.

Today’s point is that as we wait and look into God’s Word we need to do something. Our Scripture comes from Ephesians 5:15-17 - “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”  Making the best use of the time so we can find God’s Will.

It reminded me of Tim Tebow’s story. Growing up he went on family mission trips to Central American countries and worked with kids. He was doing something and making good use of his time as he waited for God to show him His specific will for his life. On his mission trips he was especially drawn to the children with special needs and this became his specific will for his life.

Every year, on the Friday night before Valentine’s Day, he holds a global prom night called Night to Shine for kids around the world so that they have a special night just for them where they are celebrated and made to feel like royalty. The event was held in 655 churches in all 50 states and in 24 countries. To see videos of these children as they walk down the red carpet and people are cheering for them just brings tears to your eyes. Tim found God’s Will for his life because he didn’t wait, he made good use of the time in this evil world.

As you wait to find God’s Will for your life, “do something”, and in that time of action, God will show you what He is to have you to do. I hope you have enjoyed this little series on God’s Will.

Have a great day and God bless.

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