Saturday, February 16, 2019

God’s Will - Part 6

Do you like to read?  My beautiful bride loves to read and always has a book that she is working through, usually with a couple of more waiting in the wings. She is a regular at the public library checking out and renewing books.  We are going to focus on that word “renewing” for this post.

So far we have looked at five things that the Bible instructs us to do because they are the will of God for the Christian’s life. We are instructed to be holy, to be witnesses in our world, to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances, to submit to authorities and yesterday the video message was about honoring our employers. All of these are generalities for every Christian to follow. But what about God’s will for our lives as individuals, how do we find that?

The final two posts, today’s and tomorrow’s, will be ways in which we can seek God’s will for our lives that is specific just to us. We find the first way in Romans 12:2 - “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”  If we want to find the will of God for our lives we have to be different, we can’t be like the rest of the world.

We will never find God’s will for our lives if we spend the majority of our time doing the exact same things that the world does. We will never find His will in the examples shown on tv sitcoms, in how the world tells us we should live in commercials, or the lies that the more we have the better life will be. We won’t find God’s will at work, on the golf course, or in the mall; not that any of these are bad things in and of themselves.

We will only find God’s specific will for our lives by renewing our minds, by changing the way we think. We will find it by putting in the effort to study God’s Word and living out the general wills that we have already looked at so far. When we renew our minds and stop following after this world, God will reveal to us what He has for us to do. But we have to be willing to change and willing to put in the work to seek His will.

We cannot think we will find God’s will just by going to church for an hour each week and then living like the rest of the world the other six days and twenty-three hours the rest of the week. We have to diligently seek after God and He will show us His will for our lives.

Have a great day and God bless.

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