Saturday, July 13, 2019

True Love

True love. As I get to celebrate my beautiful bride’s birthday today, the words “true love” kept popping up in different forms as I thought about what to write. She hates the movie “Princess Bride” and I love to watch it just to make her complain about it. The movie is about “true love” between Westley and Princess Buttercup. The movie “Shrek” was on this morning, again talking about the idea of “true love”. It made me think of my own “true love”, Jennifer.

Many times the idea of true love seems like a fairytale as we all go through times in our lives where we have struggles and it seems far from being “true love”. But “true love” pushes through all of those struggles and difficult times. That’s what makes it “true love”!  It is love that doesn’t let any situation stop the love you have for one another. No matter what one person may do, true love keeps on keeping on. It’s a love that lays down its own life for the wellbeing of the other person.

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” - John 15:13. True love was shown that day at Calvary, when Jesus Christ laid down His life for all of us. He who had no sins took on our sins to give us eternal life. There has never been a greater true love than that.

Just like my true love for my bride, Jesus has shown His true love for us by His death, burial and resurrection to give us life. Have you accepted His true love?

Have a great day and God bless. And happy birthday my bride.

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