Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Awe and Wonder

Awe and wonder. As I sat in the airport this morning, there were two young children, probably around 7 and 9, waiting to board as well. As I listened to them speak, they mentioned that this was only their second time flying, the first being their journey to El Paso. I listened as they spoke of everything that was happening in the terminal in such awe and wonder. I listened to them explain everything that was happening outside the windows to the plane we were getting ready to board.

As I listened, I thought about how manny times in the past few months I’ve sat in a terminal somewhere in this great country with just boredom of all that was going on. Each terminal only slightly different than another. But these children saw such excitement in this new experience they were having and I enjoyed their joy as I watched. Their mother, like me, wasn’t too impressed by the whole event, but those kids were making memories they will never forget of their first round trip flight.

It got me thinking of the early days of becoming a Christian. The awe and wonder of this new life, this new feeling and my new outlook on life. I was excited for what lay ahead. I couldn’t contain the joy I had in my heart for what had happened to me. I was like these kids in the airport terminal this morning. Everything was exciting as I saw life with new eyes.

But now, I sometimes feel, as a Christian, like I do as I sit in the terminal on another trip. Like it’s just routine and I feel bored with the whole journey. I realize this morning that the awe and wonder that once filled my heart for this new found life has turned into routine. Oh, how I long to go back to that feeling I first had. “But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.” - Revelation 2:4-5.

Create in me Lord a new heart!  One that longs for the first  love I once had for you. Forgive me for letting this life you have given me become routine.

Have a great day and God bless.

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