Saturday, July 20, 2019

Brain Freeze

Brain Freeze. Oh, the pain is real. To close out our week of Vacation Bible School last night, the church had an ice cream social when it was all over. Homemade ice creams of every flavor were available for tasting. Styrofoam cups were filled with either one favorite flavor or a combination of every flavor available. There aren’t many things that I love more than ice cream, especially chocolate.

As I ate my cup of ice cream in our fellowship building, I looked around the room at about one hundred other adults and children enjoying their ice cream as well. Every few minutes you would see someone stop eating real quick and get that look of absolute pain on their faces as they reached for their forehead. One by one, the brain freeze monster attacked innocent people just trying to enjoy their frozen refreshments. It got me twice. There is really nothing you can do about it but wait and let it pass on it’s own.

As I mentioned yesterday, I lost a childhood friend to cancer this week and the pain is real. I hurt not for him, as his pain is now gone, but for his family. His parents and sisters, his wife and children, and his friends that were left behind. The pain of losing someone hits hard when we are not expecting it. It sometimes becomes overwhelming and we feel that we can’t make it through. There seems to be no immediate relief from the pain of our lose. But like the brain freeze we receive from ice cream, over time the pain slowly begins to ease.

The pain of brain freeze from eating ice cream will eventually go away, but the pain of losing someone never really does. I’ve lost all of my grandparents and my father, and the pain of losing them has never really fully gone away. The memories of all the good times have become a way of getting through their not being here, but they are still missed.

My heart goes out today for the family that are burying loved ones and saying their final goodbyes. I pray for the pain and hurt that you are feeling. The memories of the good times will soon push out the feelings of emptiness and hurt.

Have a great day and God bless.

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