Monday, July 15, 2019


Ownership. We generally like to own things and not have to rent stuff from people where we really get no return on our investment. Whether it’s renting a house or leasing a vehicle, it is always better, financially, to own whatever it is you possess. There’s also no better felling than making that last payment on a house or car and the title becomes your possession as proof of ownership. At that point, we can say it is ours and not the possession of the bank.

I’m a big fan of Dave Ramsey and his Total Money Makeover plan of getting out of debt. My wife and I did that plan to reduced much of our debt and we are closing in on paying off almost everything else. It is satisfying to see the value of our debt reduce month after month and the thought of the freed up money that will result when we are completely debt free. At that point, our “stuff” will actually be our stuff. We will finally have ownership of our things.

Outside of having ownership of physical things, it’s important that we take ownership of spiritual things as well. Our salvation is based upon our ownership of what we have decided about Christ personally. Our salvation is not based upon our parent’s relationship with Christ or our spouse’s relationship with Christ. We have to have ownership of our own salvation. We also need to make sure that our children don’t grow up believing that their eternity is secure because of the decisions we made about Christ. Every single person is responsible for their own relationship with Christ. Ownership is non-transferable!

Sometimes it’s good to step back for a second and reflect where our personal relationship with God is through His Son. Have we personally taken ownership of our own salvation by making the decision to accept Christ as our Savior, or are we just renting and leasing our salvation through someone else’s relationship?  Take some time today to reflect on your own relationship to Christ and make sure you own it.

Have a great day and God bless.

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