White knuckle driving. I had my hands wrapped around the steering wheel so tight that the knuckles on my hands were white and cramped. The rain was coming down so hard and the spray from the tires of all cars and tractor trailers made visibility almost zero. Of course that didn’t matter to some drivers as they weaved in and out at eighty miles per hour.
I admit, I was pretty nervous driving in those conditions. I had a lot of valuable items in the minivan: my wife and two kids. I was watching what was going on in front of me, on all sides of me, and behind me with intense scrutiny to make sure we were safe.
As we were driving through this mess, I looked in the rear view mirror and there was my daughter on her iPad and my son watching a movie. They did not have a single concern of what we were traveling through. They completely trusted me that I was going to do everything in my power to get them to their destination safely: home!
They never once told me how to drive, never told me what lane I should be in, never told me that I was going too fast or too slow, and they didn’t give me any instructions on what exits to take. They trusted me to do what was best for them.
Do we trust God the same way my kids trusted me? Do we live life fully knowing that He is doing everything in His power to get us safely to our final destination: Heaven!
Or do we constantly offer our suggestions on how He should be doing things, or what lane we think He should have us in, or maybe that He has things going too slow for our liking, or maybe even telling Him what exits we think we should be getting off?
God has our best interests in mind. He created us and knows every hair on our heads. He knows our past and already knows our future. If we can trust our eternity to Him, why can’t we trust our present to Him as well? Trust that He knows what’s best for you and let Him be God.
Have a great day and God bless.
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