Friday, November 16, 2018


CHANGE!!!  This word has been on my mind so much this past week as I’ve been sharing my story. As I wrote each post, I notice how many changes took place in my life through each part of the story. Change is not always easy and not always clear in which direction to go.

Change usually comes about in two ways: either we make the choice to change something in our lives or circumstances force us into the change. The first one seems easier because we feel we are in control of the decision while the second one seems scary because we have no control. The fact is that both can be scary. “Did I make the right decision to change?”  Or, “why is this happening to me?”

Sometimes God wants us to change but we are reluctant to follow his calling because we are too frightened to leave our current state of  familiarity. God may patiently wait on us to finally trust him and make the change on our own or He may cause events to happen in our lives to make us change.

It reminds me of the story of the prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 17. He had just given King Ahab the bad news that God was going to cause a drought on Israel because of their idolatry. God instructed Elijah to go to a brook called Cherith and the ravens would bring him food daily and he could drink from the brook.

Elijah must have felt that life was great. He was safe, well fed and well watered. He was content with his current location and lifestyle. But God had more work for him to do so that the idolatrous nation of Israel would know the power and glory of God, so He dried up that brook forcing Elijah to move on out of his comfort zone.

Have you felt (or maybe you are going through it right now), that God has dried up your brook. Maybe He feels distant and not working in your life. Have you not done something He is leading you to do and now He is forcing you to go?  Maybe it’s a job, a relationship or a move to a new location. You know in your heart what He is asking you to do. Have you responded?

God has work for each of us to do. He doesn’t want us to stay in our comfort zones for long periods of time. Sure, there are times He allows us to rest but He doesn’t expect us to believe our jobs are done here. There are no retired Christians. What has He been calling you to CHANGE?

Have a great day and God bless.

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