Failure. Fake. Fraud. All thing I felt like after I made a major mistake in my life. I was a new Christian and an even newer husband. How could I let something like this happen to me? Had I really become a Christian or was I just playing a game?
All these questions went through my mind after making a major mistake in my life, an almost catastrophic mistake. My whole life was falling apart and I was questioning my new faith in Christ. Was it real? How was I going to get through this?
It was hard, I’m not going to lie. I lost people that were in my life that I thought were friends but they were just acquaintances. My wife showed me what it meant to be a Christian and so did her family and a handful of friends (they know who they are) as they stood right beside me during this difficult time.
It changed my life. It changed my relationships. It change my relationship with Christ. I had accepted Him as my Savior and I knew that I was saved, but I had never turned my life over to Him as Lord, to use it as He saw fit. I wanted to still hold on to my old life (that life in Egypt I wrote about), but still try to live this new life as a Christian.
It doesn’t work and I found that out the hard way. I don’t think I’m the only Christian that has gone through this, especially living so long not being a Christian and now starting this new life that was foreign to me. It was this event in my life that really made me look at what being a Christian meant. I think a lot of people get saved and then that’s it. They have their security blanket that they are going to heaven and they are fine with just that, but they never really go to the next step - that was me.
There came a point in time that I finally gave my entire life to the Lord and submitted to His will and not my own. Once I did that, my life really changed. My marriage changed. My priorities changed. My goals changed. I don’t live like I used to because I’m no longer the person I used to be.
My pastor made me a teacher of the adult Sunday School class at church. I started filling in for him when he wasn’t available for services. I went back to school and got my Masters degree in Theology. I fill in at churches when they need someone to speak. God has blessed me with the ability for my wife to stay home with the kids and homeschool our daughter. All these things are not for me to brag about but to give glory to Him who provides these thing because of finally giving over my life for His glory.
Is my life perfect? No, but it is better being in His will than trying to follow after my own. This life will never be perfect, but as a Christian, this life is only temporary. My home is in heaven, I’m just here to glorify Him until my time is up.
Even when we are not faithful to Him, He is always faithful to us.
Have a great day and God bless.
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