Best. Deal. Ever. That’s what all the advertisements will try to sell you on today. Black Friday: the biggest shopping day of the year. Everyone out shopping for deals for all of their Christmas presents. The roads are packed, traffic is terrible, you can’t find a parking spot and the checkout lines are a mile long. All for that advertised deal to save some money.
We are currently on our way back to North Carolina from New York and celebrating Thanksgiving with my family. We pick this day every year to travel back in hopes that most people will be shopping and not on the interstate. That’s what I think is a good deal.
If you think that the Black Friday deals are good, I have the best deal ever for you. Imagine if someone would take the penalty on themselves for all of the bad things you have done in your entire life. Imagine being sentenced before a judge for some crime you had committed and all of a sudden someone you don’t know says, “I’ll serve the punishment for him/her.” What would you do? Would you argue with them and tell them that wasn’t necessary and that you will serve the time yourself?
About 2000 years ago, on a Black Friday, Jesus Christ did just that for you. He hung on the Cross as payment for your sins and not His own. He was willing to take your punishment even though He had not committed the crime. But man is so hard hearted that he is unwilling to take the gift. Instead of accepting the free gift of Christ, man is more willing to say “no thank you” instead of humbling himself and accepting the free gift of Christ.
What is keeping you from that free gift? Is it pride? Is it that you don’t believe that it could be that easy? Or maybe you have never heard this Good News. Please message me if you want to know more. I would love to explain to you the free gift of accepting Jesus Christ.
If you have already accepted Christ as your Savior; AMEN! I look forward to spending eternity with you in the presence of God.
Have a great day and be careful out there. God bless.
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