Are you a close talker? Do you know a close talker? I think everyone has come across someone that has been a little too close to us while we were in a conversation with them. The TV sitcom “Seinfeld” had a whole half hour show about a close talker.
What makes us so uncomfortable about someone being right up in our face like that? Is it the possibility that we might smell their breath and what they just had to eat? Or is it that we feel we may not have enough time to dodge a sneeze if it was to happen? I don’t know about you, but I just don’t feel comfortable with someone that close up to me unless it’s my beautiful bride or kids.
I do know someone that loves close talkers: God. When we pray to God it’s almost as if we are face to face with Him and there is no one else in the world but us and Him. Picture your prayer life as being a close talker with God. Like you are right there nose to nose with Him telling Him all things as He intently listens. He has no concerns with you being that close; in fact He loves it. The closer the better.
I have to be honest, I wish my prayer life was better sometimes. You could probably say the same thing about your own prayer life at times. What I do know, is that when my prayer life is where it’s supposed to be, I feel like I’m closer to God. I feel like I am in step with everything He wants me to do. But when my prayer life is lacking it feels like I’m miles away. I know He hasn’t moved; it’s me.
I need to do a better job talking with God, how about you? Let us all work on be close talkers with God. Let’s get face to face with Him on a more regular basis.
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12
Have a great day and God bless.
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