Monday, November 5, 2018

Satan Provides a Boat Too

Jonah, the prophet of God, was called to go to Nineveh to warn an evil generation that they were going to be judged. Jonah had a high disdain for them because they weren’t Jews like him, but God called him to warn these people whether he liked it or not.

Jonah ran from God and made his way down to Joppa to find a boat that would get him to Tarshish. Satan made a ship available to him when he arrived and off he went in the opposite direction from where God had called him to go.

As Christians we need to be careful when we pray for God to open doors for us that they are actually from God and not Satan. Satan will make things available to us that we have been praying for that in reality take us from where God wants us. The opportunity looks just like what we’ve been praying for but actually takes us further from God or the things God wants for us.

Maybe it’s a new job or a new house or something else we’ve been praying for for a long time. It looks great on the surface but if we really search the opportunity it’s not from God at all. That new job may mean less time with your family or for church, maybe that new house takes away all your money to do the things your family loves or the money you used to tithe to church.

Searching for God’s will in new opportunities will let you know if they are from Him or if they are meant to draw you away from Him. Let the Holy Spirit have the freedom to work in your life and trust those little nudges from Him that something may not be right. God will never put you in a position that takes you away from Him.

Jonah quickly learned that the ship heading for Tarshish was not God’s will for his life (and so did the other sailors on that ship).

Have a good evening and God bless.

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