What happened to our parents? The same people who ruled over us with an iron fist, that kicked us under the table, pinched us on the arm or leg, or gave us that death stare straight from Satan himself when we misbehaved. All of a sudden they became grandparents and all rules seemed to go out the window.
It amazes me the things that our kids get away with at our parent’s house that we wouldn’t even imagine doing when we were young. Now our kids are allowed to jump on the furniture and eat chocolate whenever they want it. What happened to the response “you’re legs ain’t broken” when we asked them to get us something? Now when the grandkids ask for something they jump off the chair like it was spring loaded.
Why couldn’t they be our grandparents when we were growing up instead of our parents? They’re much more laid back now then they used to be but I guess they thought the same thing about their parents when we were little.
As Christians, sometimes we expect God to act like our grandfather instead of our father. We hope that He will just shrug off our sins or look the other way. When we willing choose not to obey Him and instead choose to sin, we can expect consequences for our actions. If we have accepted Christ as our Savior, the consequences won’t be eternal, but there will be consequences for our actions here on earth.
God has no grandchildren, only sons and daughters, so we need to stop thinking that God will treat us like our parents treat our kids. We have a Heavenly Father and not a Heavenly Grandfather.
Have a great night and God bless.
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