Thursday, August 1, 2019


Sharing. It’s hard to share our possessions with others, especially as young children and it doesn’t seem to get any easier as we grow older. Having a three year old just confirms what I already thought I knew: people don’t like to share. Why is it that we feel that the objects God blesses us with, somehow are ultimately ours and not still His?  God is the ultimate example of what it means to share. Sharing is different from giving.

We are much more apt to “give” somebody something that belongs to us than we are to “share” in our belongings?  Why is that?  I think it comes down to having an obligation to still be connected in some way to what we share. When we give something to someone else for them to take ownership of, we rid ourselves of any obligation to what is done with that object. We know that whatever it is we gave away is no longer ours and will probably never return back to us. We can cut our connection to that object and move on.

But when we share, we are keeping our connection, and we are also opening ourselves up to a relationship with someone else over our object. We still have ownership but someone else now has part in our object. A connection has been made between the two people that are now sharing in ownership of the object. There is an obligation by both parties for the well-being of that object.

As Christians, we don’t “give” the Gospel away. We don’t tell people of Christ and then walk away with no connection, like we’ve done our part and now it’s over and on them. We share the Gospel of Jesus Christ because we retain ownership, but we are inviting others in to share in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We now have an obligation with those that we share the Good News to make sure we continue to foster this new relationship and water the seed that we have planted.

Just as Paul told Timothy, “They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life. - 1 Timothy 6:18-19. Share the Gospel and be obligated to see your sharing through to the salvation of lost souls.

Have a great day and God bless.

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