Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Explosion. During my layover between flights this morning, I stopped at one of the little places in the airport to grab some breakfast since I had started out so early this morning. I chose a thing of fresh fruit and a drink. They didn’t have anything but water and soda to choose from, and I’m not a big soda drinker, but I grabbed a Dr. Pepper and went on my way to my gate. I put the bottle of soda in my back pocket as I walked from one end of the airport to the other.

When I got to my gate and sat down, I put the bottle of soda on the floor and ate my little package of fresh fruit. After about ten minutes, I reached down and got my soda and when I opened it up it exploded all over me. I figured that after ten minutes, any shaking that had occurred from being in my pocket while I walked had settled itself. But, there I was, sitting at the gate with my lap soaked on my left side from my knee to my belt. Nothing like starting your long journey to the west coast with soda soaked jeans.

Things don’t always go the way we plan them to go. When we hope for just smooth sailing, sometime there are unexpected events that change our day. I had a decision to make this morning as I sat with wet jeans: either be angry at what I had done or go on with the day knowing that at some point my pants would dry and everything would be back to normal (but a little sticky). I chose not to be mad at what happened, I just grabbed some additional napkins and dried my jeans the best I could.

Things happen unexpectedly in our lives and we always have twobdecisions to make: be better or be bitter. “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.” - Ephesians 4:31. As believers, we are to live our lives without bitterness, without wrath and without anger. All of these things cause us to allow sin to creep into our hearts. As Christians, what do we really have to be bitter or angry about?  We’ve accepted the free gift of grace from God by accepting Christ’s payment on the Cross for our sins. That alone should keep us from being bitter or angry.

Have a great day and God bless.

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