Monday, August 19, 2019


Nobody. The Christian group, Casting Crowns, has an awesome new song out on the radio and the chorus goes like this:

“I’m just a nobody,
Trying to tell everybody,
All about somebody,
Who saved my soul”

That is who we are as Christians; a bunch of nobodies trying to tell the world about Jesus. The story isn’t about us, it’s about Him. God can, and will, use each of us and our talents to glorify Him by telling others about the saving power of Jesus Christ.

The song lists some of the “nobodies” in the Bible that did great things for God. Abraham was an idol worshiper before God called him. David was just a shepherd boy before God made him king. The disciples were just fishermen and tax collectors before God had them change the world. And Saul was a persecutor before God used him to write most of the New Testament. Just a bunch of nobodies who God used because they surrendered their will to God’s.

Maybe you feel like I do some days, insignificant and useless to God’s kingdom, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. When we submit ourselves to being nobodies, God can then use us greatly to tell others about the greatest “Somebody” who ever lived. We have to get past the feeling of having to change the world all in one day and just let God use us as He wills for this very day we are in.

As John the Baptist said, “He must increase, but I must decrease." - John 3:30. Are we doing things for our own glory, or are we looking to glorify God in all that we do?  I believe that is a question we should be asking ourselves rather often just to make sure the things we do are being done with the right motives.

Have a great day and God bless.

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