Monday, January 14, 2019

YOU Are Not the Treasure

YOU are not the treasure!  Yesterday’s post got me thinking on the word treasure and how many times it is found in the Bible. Let me tell you, it’s in there a lot. One place that really caught my eye was in the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Corinthians.

In the fourth chapter he tells the Corinthians that we have “this treasure” in jars of clay. “This treasure” that he is referring to is found at the end of the previous verse. The treasure is that God has shown a light into our hearts giving us the knowledge of His glory in the face of Jesus Christ. That, my brothers and sisters, is the treasure: Jesus Christ.

We are not the treasure. We are the vessel that holds that treasure. We are the jars of clay. Jars, in Paul’s day, were used for one of three things: as a toilet, to hold documents and to hide valuables, like a safe. Paul was inferring the third meaning when he said we were jars of clays. We are the vessel that contains the valuable things of God.

Being that these jars were made of clay, and not metal, meant that they were disposable. They were meant to be broken when the valuables inside were needed. The value was not in the jar, just like the value is not in ourselves. Jesus Christ is the value and we are the conduit that holds that valuable resource. The Holy Spirit resides in us so that we can transport the glory of God to others.

You, my friend, are an important part of bringing the message of the glory of God to others. But you are not the treasure. That belongs to God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ.

Have a great day and God bless.

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