Monday, January 21, 2019

Rapture - Part 2

So, is the Rapture fact or opinion?  Well, first off, my opinion doesn’t matter!  The only way to check if the idea of a future Rapture is true is to check it against what the Bible says about it elsewhere. We can’t, as Christians, take certain sections of Scripture and make it fit what we want it to say without checking it against other portions of Scripture to make sure it matches up.

Does the Bible show anywhere else, besides the writings of the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians, that the Rapture is a factual event?  There are two other places in the New Testament that seem to show proof of an event that mirrors the future Rapture.

The first place is in 2 Corinthians chapter 12, where Paul speaks of knowing a man (himself actually) that was “caught up” into the third heaven and heard things he was not allowed to speak of again. That term “caught up”, is the same term he used it his letter to the Thessalonians, the Greek word “rapturo”.  So that is the first cross reference to a Rapture.

The second place where the Rapture of an individual happens is in the Book of Revelation, chapter 4. The Apostle John, in writing the letter to the seven churches in Asia Minor, says that he heard a voice from heaven telling him to “come up here” and immediately he was in the Spirit and was in heaven before the throne of God.

Both of these event show the Rapture of only individual people, but could it be that the events in which they were a part of will be very similar to what will take place during the worldwide Rapture of the church?  In Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, the description is almost exactly the same as the two events that happened to Paul and John.

The Rapture will happen as describe in the Word of God. Are you ready to go or will you be left behind?

Have a great day and God bless.

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