Thursday, January 17, 2019


CROWNS!  That’s a believer’s treasure that I spoke about yesterday. Jesus told his followers to “lay up” treasures in heaven. The Apostle Paul said there was a crown of righteousness “laid up” for him. They both used the same phrase for laying up something for future use.

The Bible actually lists five possible crowns that a believer can have waiting for them when they get to heaven for their actions here on earth. These five crowns are not for our glory, but are for us to give back to the Savior. These crowns are conditional, future and temporal.

The first crown found in the Bible is the Incorruptible Crown in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. This crown is awarded for those that practice self-denial. The whole of chapter 9 deals with the topic of self-denial and liberty.

The second crown is the Crown of Rejoicing found in 1 Thessalonians 2:18-20. The Crown of Rejoicing is also called the soul-winner’s crown. It is a crown given to those who win souls for Christ. This seems to be a style of crown that you can win many of.

The third crown is the Crown of Righteousness found in 2 Timothy 4:6-8. This crown should be the easiest of all to receive and everyone should have this one on that day.  Everyone who loves the appearing of the Lord will receive this crown.

The fourth crown is the Crown of Life found in James 1:12. This crown is awarded to those who endure trials. Some endure more trials than others and this seems to be a crown that you can receive more than one of as well.

The final crown is the Crown of Glory found in 1 Peter 5:1-4. This crown is also called the Under-shepherd’s Crown. This is a crown given to anyone that is an elder or feeds the flock. It is not a crown only for pastors, but it is for anyone that carries out the great commission to make disciples.

“They cast their crowns before the throne” - Revelation 4:10. That is the purpose of our treasure: to give it back to the Lamb of God for what He has done for us. How many crowns will you have to give back to the One who died for you?  Kind of humbling when you stop to think about it.

Sorry Anthony And Jean, the answer was not Whitecastle burgers!

Have a great day and God bless.

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