Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Treasures in Heaven

Do you think there are safe deposit boxes in heaven?  I don’t know why I think of crazy questions like that but I do. I ask the question because Jesus told us to store up our treasures in heaven instead of here on earth and I just want to make sure my treasures are safe.

Jesus told His disciples not to worry about gaining a whole bunch of treasures here on earth because both moth and rust can destroy them and also because thieves can break in and steal your treasures. All three of these events have taken place in my life. I have taken out a suit to wear that I hadn’t worn in a long time and find little holes all in the jacket. My truck is rusting out because of bad design that doesn’t let the water drain correctly. And I have had items stolen out of my car before.

I wouldn’t really label any of those items real “treasures”, but they were my possessions that I had paid good money for and they would have ultimately been thrown away at some point anyway. Jesus said that we are not to live life to gain possessions just for that very reason; they are all temporary. He told us to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven that moth or rust or thieves can not get to. These things will be eternal.

But what are those treasures?  What do they look like?  How do we know what they are and that we actually have them waiting for us when we get there?  The Bible makes it pretty clear what treasures we can attain and make sure they are waiting for us in heaven when we arrive. No safe deposit box needed and we are going to give them away anyway.  We’ll look at what those treasures are tomorrow.

Have a great day and God bless.

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