Saturday, January 19, 2019


I admit it, I cried a little last night watching the movie “Radio”. If you’ve never seen it, you have to watch it at least once and make sure you have the tissues. It a true story about a man named James Kennedy, nicknamed “Radio” that has a mental handicap. He is befriended by the local high school football coach in Anderson, SC. James Kennedy is played by Cuba Gooding Jr.

It doesn’t start out too well for Radio as he is terrorized by the high school star football player named Clay. He, along with some of his other teammates, tape his hands and feet together and lock him in an equipment shed. Later in the movie, Clay tricks Radio into going into the girls locker room. Radio refuses to name Clay as the one who told him to go into the locker room.

By the end of the movie, Clay finally comes around to seeing what a great person Radio really is and he and his teammates purchase Radio a letterman’s jacket.

Radio’s unconditional love for all of those around him, especially Clay even when he didn’t deserve it, reminded me of the unconditional love of God. We serve a God who knows every detail of our lives, public  and private, but still loves us unconditionally anyway. The Bible says, “that even when we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  Even though he knew who we were and what we had done, He loved us so much that He was willing to give up His life in place of our own. That is unconditional love!

Friends, it doesn’t matter what you have done in your past, or what you are doing in your present; God love you!  He loves you so much He wants to make you part of His family. He wants you to confess your sins, repent from them and accept His free gift of salvation.

It didn’t matter what people did to Radio, he loved them unconditionally just like family. We serve a God who loves the same way and He wants us to love others just like Radio did with those that picked on him. It’s hard, I know, but that’s what God wants from us.

Have a great day and God bless.

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