Monday, January 7, 2019

Easily Distracted

Look!  Squirrel!  We get easily distracted don’t we. We have so many things wanting our attention nowadays days that it gets harder and harder to keep our focus on the task. I think it’s harder for the younger generation than it is for the older one. They have grown up with the constant stimulation of technology and research shows that the average person’s attention span today is significantly shorter than it was thirty years ago.

My post isn’t about technology, it’s about being distracted from the things of God.  Those things that God has specifically appointed us to do. Not that someone else couldn’t do them, but it may be a task specifically assigned to us. That thing in our hearts that we know that God has called us and anointed us to do.

It reminded me of the story of Nehemiah and his call to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem after they had been torn down after the exile. He goes back to Jerusalem and starts rebuilding the walls as moved by God to do and some of the religious elite weren’t too happy with it. They devise a plan to get Nehemiah to come away from his work and meet them so that they could kill him.

I love Nehemiah’s response to their multiple attempts to distract him from his task; “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?" His task was considered a great work to him because it was something God had placed on his heart to accomplish. He saw no value it stopping his great work to meet with the opposition and he told them so.

What is it that God has placed on your heart to accomplish for Him?  Who or what is working to distract you from completing that great work?  Don’t let other tasks, other well-meaning people or opposition distract you from completing God’s purpose for your life. I don’t know what that may be in your life, but I’m sure you do!

Have a great day and God bless.

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