Saturday, January 5, 2019

Rain, Rain and More Rain

Rain, rain and more rain. I read somewhere that this part of North Carolina had a record setting amount of rain for 2018. I believe it with the remnants of two hurricanes coming through this fall and over a foot of snow in December. The roads show all the effects of the water too with potholes showing up everywhere.

It got me thinking about the story of Noah and the flood found in the book of Genesis. It must have been odd for Noah to hear that God was going to flood the earth because of the wickedness of man with an eventual rain. It had never rained before, so Noah had no understanding of what that meant, he just obeyed God and started building an ark.

It took Noah about 100 years to complete the construction of the ark to the specifications given by God. He endured ridicule from everyone for building such a massive ark while he warned them of the impending storm. His faith in the promises of God helped him to continue on even though no one believed him.

Noah had one of the least impactful ministries of all the people in the Bible. One hundred years of warning others that God’s judgement would come and only his family listened. Seven other people besides himself were saved from the flood. I think of how hard it must have been for Noah to preach to others for a hundred years and have no one listen to him besides his wife, his three sons and their wives. How did he deal with rejection like that as people probably banged on the doors of the ark after it was too late?

We have the same message as that of Noah; impending doom is coming. We read about the events of the upcoming devastation in the book of Revelation. However, we are to preach the message of Jesus Christ and His salvation through faith in Him and whether people listen and believe or not is not our responsibility; it’s theirs. We are just instructed to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Don’t feel rejected because others don’t listen, just be faithful to following God’s plan. Salvation is of the Lord, not us. We are just messengers.

Have a great day and God bless.

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