Thursday, January 24, 2019

Hell is Real

Hell is an actual physical place that is an eternal residence for those that don’t accept Christ as their Savior. Going to hell has nothing to do with being a bad person; there will be a lot of “good” people in hell. People always ask, “how can a loving God send people to hell?”  God doesn’t send anyone to hell, people choose hell over God. God gives the way to escape eternity in hell, people just don’t accept it.

Jesus actually spoke more about hell during His ministry than He did about heaven. That’s because hell is eternal and heaven is temporary, like I said yesterday. Jesus never spoke of hell as a pleasant place but as a place of torment. Hell wasn’t created for humans, it was created for Satan and his demons.

I hear people talk about how much fun they are going to have in hell like it’s going to be the ultimate party zone. My heart aches for people who believe that because they have no idea the horror of that place. The Bible calls it by different names: hell, Hades, the pit. It describes it as a place of utter darkness even though there will be flames, a place of unquenchable thirst, a place where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth because of physical pain.

The Gospels give us two examples of the horrors of hell. The first example was of a rich man that died and went to hell. His only request was for someone to dip their finger in cool water and touch the tip of his tongue because he was in anguish from the flames. The second example was of another man that only wanted to go back and warn his brothers of the horrors so they would not follow him to hell.

Hell is not a joke and definitely not a place you want to spend the rest of your eternity. People that go to hell never have an end of their torment. They do not burn up and cease to exist. They suffer for eternity.

There is an escape from the terror of a place called hell and His name is Jesus Christ. Bow your knee now, humble yourself and accept His Lordship or you will do it when it is too late. You will do it one way or another. Do it now here on earth or do it later before you are sent to hell.

Have a great day and God bless.

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