Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A Living Sacrifice

What is it that God wants from us as Christians?  Romans 12:1 answers that question pretty clearly.  The Apostle Paul commands us to present our bodies (ourselves) as a living sacrifice. But why?  Because of the mercy that God has shown us in sacrificing His own Son and removing our sins.

He asks for total commitment, not a half-hearted try. Webster’s dictionary defines total commitment as “the alignment of one’s motives, resources, priorities and goals to fulfill a specific mission, accomplish a specific task or follow a specific purpose.”

Total commitment to something is usually viewed in a negative light centering around what you lose, the rules you need to follow or the fun you miss out on. Total commitment isn’t done on a whim; it’s done with wisdom, logic and shrewd evaluation.

We live as though a total commitment to God would be a crushing blow to our personal dreams and future happiness when in reality He has so much more for us than we can ever dream of.  Paul asked the Romans in chapter 8 verse 32 - “He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?”

Verse 1 of chapter 12 of Romans gives us a command, a motivation and a reason. The command is to offer your body. The motivation is the mercy of God. And the reason is that it’s the worship God desires. We are to present our physical bodies as an act of true, inner, Spirit-directed service to God.

Have a great day and God bless.

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