Wednesday, January 9, 2019


“It’s beautiful/what a mess!”  Seems like every major event, whether it sports, politics or game shows, have a love affair with shooting off confetti at the end of the event. It’s always in celebration of the winner of the event and really looks awesome as it rains down on the players and fans below. But what a mess it is for the people that end up having to clean it up once everyone leaves.

I don’t believe I have ever seen where the winning team or the victorious politician or the brand new game show millionaire have to come back out later and clean up all the small pieces of paper that were used to celebrate them. No, it’s some group of people standing in the background watching it all come down and knowing they are going to spend hours getting it all up so the place looks immaculate once again.

Sin is a lot like confetti. It’s exciting when it’s happening and internally we may be celebrating but it doesn’t last long and we realize what a mess we have made. Sin of our own doing tends to also have to be cleaned up by the sinner. But many times it’s the others in the background, family and friends, that end up having to do most of the cleaning up. Our sins have a ripple effect on the ones we love and are never really contained to just us.

The Bible says that those things that are done in the dark (sin), will at some point be brought into the light. Things we think will be kept secret from others will always be known by God. We may get away with our sin for a while without anyone finding out, but most often it’s only a matter of time before it is exposed. We end up having to continue in sin to hide the sins we are trying to keep hidden.

The Apostle Paul told Timothy to “flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.”  Take every opportunity to flee from sin and you and others will never get caught having to clean up the confetti of your own sins.

Have a great day and God bless.

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