Sunday, January 6, 2019

Broken Ankle

That was definitely a broken ankle. Watching the football game last night and the poor receiver for the Dallas Cowboys suffered a serious injury and you could tell his ankle was broken right away. He was in some excruciating pain and it was definitely sickening to watch when it happened. I felt sorry for him, as he played all season to get to the playoffs and now his season is over even though his team won the game.

The good thing for him is that he will be under great medical care by the team physicians and the surgery will probably allow him to heal back to full strength and he will be out on the field at some point next season. That is the great thing amount physical injuries like that. But what about emotional and spiritual injuries?  They don’t quite heal as fast as physical injuries do.

I’m sure we have all suffered from emotional pain and maybe even some of us are going through that right now. I know some of my friends on here have suffered loss recently because of death. How do you heal from things like that?  Unfortunately, I don’t have the answers to those types of pains but I know the One who does. We serve a God who draws close to the broken-hearted.

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.  - Psalm 34:18

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  - Psalm 147:3

All we can do is pray for those who are going through difficult times. We can be a shoulder to cry on. And we can be an ear for those that just need someone to listen. We don’t always need to have the answers to all the questions of life, but it helps to have a relationship with the God of the broken-hearted. I would love to pray for you if you have a need.

Have a great day and God bless.

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