Saturday, January 12, 2019

Fake News

FAKE NEWS!  I don’t know what the word of 2018 was, but I would have to say that the phrase “fake news” has to be up there among the top choices. It’s been used so often that it’s hard to know what is true anymore and what is a lie. The phrase has become a punchline among everyday conversation to let the speaker know you don’t believe them.

It’s nothing new though, we are warned about this “fake news” in the Bible.  Jesus even warned His followers not to be alarmed because at the end of the age their will be wars and rumors of wars. But I think the apostle that hit the nail right on the head was Peter. In his second letter he wrote that in the end will come scoffers, those that make fun of what we believe, and they will ask, “where is the promise of His coming?”  They will say that they have heard for years that Christ will be returning but they will scoff that it hasn’t happened yet and never will.

But Peter promises us that it will happen, that Christ will return as promised. We are instructed to be patient because a day with the Lord is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. Peter says that the reason for His delay is that He is long suffering and that He doesn’t want anyone to perish but for all to come to repentance.

If you believe in Christ, take heart, His return is closer today than it was yesterday. If you haven’t repented of your sins and accepted Christ as your Savior, He’s waiting for you with all His patience because He is long suffering. Today is the day of salvation because He could return tomorrow. Don’t believe the fake news that He’s not coming back.

Have a great day and God bless.

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