Sunday, January 13, 2019

Mine! Mine! Mine!

Mine!  Mine!  Mine!  If you have kids or grandkids you have probably seen the seagulls from the movie Finding Nemo. This was the only thing they said in the movie every time they saw something that they could possibly eat. We get that way some times too when we see things that we either feel we have to have or that belong to us.  We especially see it in children when they are young and they believe everything belongs to them and will not share with other kids.

It reminded me of a lesson I did a few weeks ago from 2 Kings chapter 7. There was a group of lepers that were on the verge of starvation because of the famine in Israel. They felt their only hope was to seek refuge in the attacking Syrian camp outside the city. When they arrived they realized it had been abandoned with all the treasures of the army still in the camp.

They started to eat the food in the first tent they came to and they took the silver and gold and hid it outside the camp to use later. As they were doing the same thing in the second tent they came to, one of the lepers said that what they were doing wasn’t right by keeping all these treasures to themselves as others were suffering from the famine. So they went back to the city to inform the king of the great news and the whole camp was seized thus ending the famine.

Do we as Christians do the same thing that the lepers started out doing?  Do we keep this great treasure of salvation to ourselves instead of sharing it with those that are in a great spiritual famine?  We need to have that moment like the leper did and tell ourselves “this isn’t right” and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those that are perishing. Salvation is not for us to hoard up with the idea that it’s “mine, mine, mine”; but we should be willing to go and share the life changing treasure that has been give to us by God.

Have a great day and God bless.

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