Sunday, January 27, 2019

God of Molech

There is nothing new under the sun!  We treat things going on in today’s society as if it’s the worst it has ever been in the history of mankind. I agree that the things we do as a society today are getting worse and worse by the hour it seems, but it’s nothing new.

Let’s take the wickedness of killing our children for example. We find these things going on all through the Bible. Do you remember when Israel was in captivity in Egypt?  They were getting too numerous and caused a potential threat to the power of the pharaoh. He ordered all the male Jewish babies, that were born in Egypt, to be thrown into the Nile River and drowned. Luckily Moses was saved and rescued Israel from captivity.

It didn’t get any better in the days of Jesus. Remember when He was born King Herod ordered all of the male children around Bethlehem to be killed because Jesus posed a threat to his throne?  Luckily Jesus and His family received word from an angel and were able to escape to Egypt (ironic) and survive. Jesus went on to die on the cross at Calvary to save the world from their sins.

These two examples, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament, showed the lengths in which those who ruled were willing to go to keep their power. But what about individuals killing their own children, is that found anywhere in the Bible?  It sure is!!!!

In 2 Kings, chapter 23, we find the sacrifices of children to the Ammonite god Molech. Molech is mentioned in a handful of places in the Old Testament and once in Acts in the New Testament. The Israelites fell into the trap of sacrificing their own children to this pagan god as well, trying to be like the people around them. The section in 2 Kings said that people were sacrificing their sons and daughters to Molech by burning them alive. They felt that the sacrifice of their children would be more acceptable that the sacrifice animals to God of Israel.

The Bible speaks quite often of the blessing that children are: “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.
Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!” - Psalm 127:4-5. Jesus ordered His disciples not to keep the children from Him. We are instructed to come to faith in Christ as a child. We should be protecting the lives of our children as God wants us too, not sacrificing them to the modern day god of Molech.

Have a great day and God bless the children!

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