Thursday, December 20, 2018

Truth About Christmas - Part 6

Dreams, angels and one furious king. After the wise men had delivered their gifts and worshipped the child King of the Jews, they received a message by the way of a dream telling them they were not to go back to King Herod as requested. Herod had instructed them to return and tell him the whereabouts of the child so he could go and worship him. If he really wanted to worship Jesus, he would have went along with the wise men.

The wickedness inside of Herod’s heart didn’t want to worship the One who would take his place, he wanted to get rid of him. When the wise men did not return, he was furious and decreed that all the male children of Bethlehem and the surrounding areas be killed in hopes this would eliminate the threat to his throne.

Knowing the heart of Herod, God sent an angel of the Lord to Joseph telling him to flee with his family to Egypt to escape the slaughter of innocent boys. After Herod had died, the same angel appeared to Joseph once again, this time in a dream, telling him it was safe to return to his hometown of Nazareth.

Luke tells us that Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man. All of these events happened exactly the way they did so that the fulfillment of prophecy could prove that this child, Jesus Christ, was the long promised Messiah that Israel had been waiting for.

Have a great day and God bless you during this Christmas season.

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