Saturday, December 8, 2018

Bread of Life

Well, it’s the morning of the big storm coming through western North Carolina and by now the store shelves must be empty. I’m not sure why everyone rushes to the grocery store before storms, everyone must build up a huge appetite from all the shoveling. The bread shelves are empty, the milk cooler is down to just coffee creamer and the egg area is wiped out. Makes me wonder if everyone eats French toast during snow storms.

I have to admit, my wife went to the grocery store this week too, but it was her normal weekly trip and we didn’t get anything out of the ordinary because of the storm. From what I hear this trend of emptying out grocery store shelves is also starting to move to other parts of the country.

Although the grocery store shelves may be empty of bread by now, Jesus says that “He is the bread of life and whoever comes to Him shall not hunger.”  We may constantly have to go back to the grocery store for physical bread as it runs out or turns bad, we never have to worry about the spiritual bread turning bad or ever running out.

The nation of Israel wandered through the wilderness for 40 years as they were being punished for their lack of faith in God. But God did not leave them out there to perish, He provided fresh manna for them daily to meet the needs they had for just that day(and twice on Friday). They did nothing to earn that grace from God, but because of His love for His people, He provided for them.

Just like God continued to provide for the nation of Israel with heavenly manna while they wandered through the wilderness for 40 years, God will continually provide for His children with the bread of life; Jesus Christ.

Have a great day and God bless.

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