Saturday, December 1, 2018


We all love being in relationships. We develop relationships our whole life. Relationships come in all different shapes and sizes: family relationships, intimate relationships, friendships, relationships with coworkers, etc.  Our first relationship comes as children with our parents. Not long after that our children form relationships with their siblings, grandparents and aunts and uncles. Then our friendship circle gets larger until we find the one!  And then we start a relationship that trumps all others.

Why are we so desperate for that relationship bond with others?  It’s because we are created to have relationships. We are relationship-oriented people. We were all created by God who desires relationships.

God has always existed, from eternity past, in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, yet he created man so that He could have a relationship with him. That original relationship was not corrupted by sin. Adam and Eve communed with God face to face.  Then the sin of Adam and Eve marred that relationship.

Ever since that day, God has been working to resume that relationship with man once again. In the Old Testament that relationship hinges on the sacrificial system. In the New Testament it hinges on Christ.  For some, sin keeps that relationship with God from happening. God desires a relationship with His creation. He wants to commune with us once again.

There is a God shaped hole in man’s heart that can only be filled by a relationship to Him. Man tries to fill that hole with many other things: money, fame, drugs, alcohol, sex and so on. But only He can fulfill that missing relationship.

Do you have a relationship with Him?  He wants one with you. He created you and knows how to fill that hole in your heart. Does it feel like something is missing in your life?  It’s Him, He’s what’s missing. If you need help finding Him, let me know, I’d love to introduce you to Him.

Have a great day and God bless.

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